Included in the price.
We only provide accommodation for 2 sessions (starting and finishing sessions) in a single room of our contracted hotel, including breakfast. For the first session, there is a minimum of 2 days (average 4 days, maximum 6 days) accommodation including breakfast. If we can make temporary prosthesis, there is a minimum of 8 days (average 10 days, maximum 12 days).
For the second session (finishing session), there is a minimum of 12 days (average 14 days, maximum 16 days) accommodation including breakfast.
If you want to come with 2 people, you can stay in a double room without paying any difference, excluding breakfast. Or you can stay with 10.00 TL difference for each session, including breakfast.
If you want to come with 3 people, you can stay in a triple room for 10.000 TL difference, including breakfast for each session.
If your treatment will take longer due to the condition of your teeth or you, you must pay the extra to the hotel yourself).
Your treatment will take at least 2 sessions (starting and finishing sessions) at least 3 months apart. In very rare cases, an interim session may be given due to the condition of your teeth. You must also pay for accommodation and transfer costs during the interim session.
If the upper and lower jaws are done together, we will also cover the accommodation and transfer costs for one person during the interim session, including breakfast.